Clinics We Offer

Antenatal Clinic
Tuesday 13:30– 16:00 - Midwife clinic. This is for newly pregnant patients in order to commence the NHS pregnancy management and support process.
Tuesday 09:00 – 12:30. The Midwife will book patients into these appointments for ongoing antenatal care.

Baby Clinic
Thursday 9.30am- 12pm - 8 week baby check clinic conducted by a female GP. There will also be Practice Nurses available for baby immunisations. this includes post-natal checks also.

Cervical Screening Smear Clinic
Tuesday 5.30-7.30pm appointment only. This Nurse-led clinic is a pre-bookable appointment clinic only. Please note that cervical screening appointments are available through the day as well. Please phone the surgery for more information on 01325 316637.

Family Planning Clinic
Tuesday 17:30 – 19:30 (Appointment only)
This clinic is a Nurse-led provision offering a range of contraceptive services (i.e. depo-provera injection, condom distribution, contraceptive pill advice and prescription, etc.).

Influenza ('flu') Vaccinations
An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes, and residents of nursing and rest homes. Please contact the reception staff from September for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment.

Mental Health Clinic
Wednesday all day. We have a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist who visits the surgery. Access to these services are carried out via either a GP or self-referral using Talking Changes Self Referral Form.

Minor Surgery
Some Doctors and Nurse Practitioners carry out minor surgical procedures at the surgery. This is by appointment only and the Doctors and Nurses will be happy to advise you on this.