Practice News
Practice Workload January 2025
Appointments attended by patients - 10,172, these are either face to face or over the phone
Appointments cancelled by patients - 240
Appointments where the patient did not attend or cancel in advance, these can be GP, Nurse ANP or HCA - 290 or 847.9hours. Please cancel your appointment if you do not need it with as much notice as possible.
Prescriptions issued - 13,080
Telephone calls received - 7050
Referrals made - 312
Average queue wait time - 5.84 minutes for appointments
Thank you to our admin team, clinicians and pharmacists.
Travel Vaccinations
As from 1st April we will no longer be providing a travel vaccination service. This is a service that is not funded by NHS England and therefore we cannot sustain in providing it.
Any patients who require the service can contact pharmacies such as Boots where you can book an appointment for relevant vaccinations. All travel vaccinations are chargeable.
GP Registrars
Registrars who are currently working at the surgery are:
Dr Harysini Sugumaran - Final Year GP Student
Dr Mohammed Salih - Foundation year 2 Student
Coil Fitting and Removal Clinics
We are now offering Coil clinics at the surgery with Dr Morgan and Dr Osborne.
Please see link below.
Please contact the surgery for more information.coil clinics.docx
2024 Practice Workload by Month
Monthly Stats Jan - Dec 24.docx
Please click on link above to access the full 2024 Practice workload results
Mental Health and Emotional Support
Please see attached information regarding the above for adults and young families.Adults Dec 2024.pdf
Practice Workload November
Each month we will be providing patients with an update on Practice Workload, this will be shown in the surgery, on our Facebook page and on this website.
In November:
Appointments attended by patients- 9527, these were either face to face or over the phone.
Appointments cancelled by patients - 271
Appointments where patients did not attend and did not cancel in advance - 292- please cancel you appointment where possible if you do not need it as these are wasted and amount to over 81 hours worth over the month.
Prescriptions Issued- 14,424
Telephone calls received - 7,063
Referrals made - 291
Average queue time wait- 5.81 minutes
Thank you so much to our admin team, clinicians and pharmacists.
Pension Credit Information
Please see link below that has been provided by our Patient Participation Group regarding Pension Credits.Pension Credit - Are You Eligible.pdf
HWC Recently published our version of the GP information booklet, which a few local Healthwatch have published across the region.
Please see latest guidance from Healthwatch in regards to understanding and getting the best from your GP Practice.
Please click on link below
How to get the best from your GP Practice.pdf
Over the Counter medicines
The prescribing of over the counter medicines is changing, GP's, nurses and pharmacists will now not be giving prescriptions for over the counter medicines for a range of minor health concerns.
Instead these are available to purchase from local pharmacies and supermarkets.
This Practice will be making these changes and you will notified when your over the counter treatment will be removed from your prescription.
Please see link for information leaflet.OTC -PIL Patient info.leaflet-2pg print-ready.pdf
Patient requests for Whom it may concern letters
If you need to request a letter from a GP "To Whom it May Concern", the process is to complete the required form which youc an find at reception or attached on the website. There is a £30 fee which needs to be paid at Reception when handing in the form and you will be given a receipt.
You will be contacted when the letter is ready to collect.
Kind regards
Practice Manager17.TWMC request from patient.docx
Health and Wellbeing Coach- Free fitness classes
Please see details above of Free fitness classes that our health and wellbeing coach is delivering in Newton Aycliffe.
Better At Health workplace
We have 2 Better at health award champions at the surgery, Jo one of our Nursing team and Jan, our Admin Team Manager.
Their work in this role is to determine the areas we can improve and offer to our workforce ways to improve their wellbeing at work.
Please see their recent newsletter below
GP Patient Survey Results 2023
Please see below link to the most recent patient survery results
As you will see from our results we have achieved excellent results in certain areas such as "Helpfulness of receptionists" and the Healthcare professional was good at listening to the patient".
In terms of the areas we could improve the Practice has been working on an action plan for improvement which is below for reference.
We welcome our patients to complete all our surveys, this current survey only 100 patients completed the surveys.
Newton Aycliffe Nurse named NHS Champion
Our Practice Nurse Jo Jones has been named as NHS champion by Paul Howell MP.
Please click on link below for full details.
Facebook Practice Page
Please log onto Facebook and check out the Surgery's Facebook page.
This will include key information about the Practice and its services.
Please tell your friends and family.
Revised Heighington Dispensary Timings
If you are registered with our Heighington Dispensary, from Monday 21 June, you can collect this medication at the following times:
AM | PM | |
Monday | 08:30-11:30 | 1530 - 17:30 |
Tuesday | Closed | 1530 - 17:30 |
Wednesday | Closed | 1530 - 17:30 |
Thursday | Closed | 1530 - 17:30 |
Friday | 08:30-11:30 | 1530 - 17:30 |
Sat & Sun | Closed | Closed |